Boys & Girls Clubs of Broward County



Back to School: Setting Up for Academic and Personal Growth

Back to School Boys and Girls club

As the summer break winds down and a new school year approaches, it’s time to prepare for the exciting journey ahead. At Boys & Girls Club of Broward County, we’re dedicated to supporting your child’s transition back to school with our comprehensive out of school time programs. From adjusting to new schedules and organizing supplies to ensuring safety and academic success, our programs are designed to help our youth thrive both academically and personally. Join us in making this school year the best one yet for your child!

Back to School, Back to Our School Schedule 

As we transition from summer break to the upcoming new school year, please be reminded of the change in operating hours at Boys & Girls Club of Broward County. During the summer, our clubs are open from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm, Monday through Friday. However, during the school year, our hours shift to accommodate school schedules.

We are open from 2:00 pm to 7:00 pm on regular school days, 12:00 pm to 7:00 pm on early dismissal days, and from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm on teacher planning days and days when schools are closed. Thank you for your attention to these changes as we strive to support your child’s needs throughout the year.

Support our Back to School Drive 

Support Boys & Girls Club of Broward County’s Back to School Drive and help us provide essential supplies to our club members. You can make a difference by donating a custom amount that fits your budget, sponsoring school supplies for two club members with a $250 donation, or purchasing specific items from our Amazon wish-list. Your generosity ensures that our youth start the school year equipped with the tools they need to succeed. Every contribution counts and directly impacts the lives of the children, right here in our community.

Join us in making this school year the best one yet for our club members! Click here to learn more about our Back to School Drive!

Preparing for a Smooth Transition Back to School 

The end of summer vacation can be stressful, but getting ready ahead of time can make a big difference in making your child more prepared this school year. To help ease the transition, we’ve compiled a list of practical tips and strategies. These tips will set your child up for a confident and happy start to the school year:

Adjusting Sleep Schedules for Back to School: 

  • Gradually move bedtime earlier by 15-30 minutes each night a week or two before school starts to help children adapt to the school schedule.
  • Establish a calming bedtime routine to signal that it’s time to wind down.

Organizing School Supplies: 

  • Create a checklist of required school supplies and involve your child in the shopping process to ensure they have everything they need.
  • Label all items with your child’s name to avoid mix-ups at school. If having your child’s name on display is a safety concern, you can add your child’s name to an inconspicuous area, such as the inside of an item, and make sure that they know where to look.
  • Create a list of child specific items that you will need for your child’s success-this could be grooming items, comfort items, or organizational items that work specifically with your child’s personal needs.

Setting Back to School Routines: 

  • Develop a consistent morning routine to streamline getting ready for school, including waking up, morning hygiene, getting dressed, eating breakfast, and grabbing their backpack/lunch.
  • Plan ahead for quicker mornings by picking out outfits and accessories the night before and packing up their backpack/lunch before bed.
  • Designate a specific area for doing homework and school related tasks, at home, to help children stay focused and organized.

Back to School Mental Preparation  

Preparing your child mentally for the new school year is just as important as getting their supplies ready. Addressing their emotional and psychological well-being can help alleviate anxiety and build excitement for the year ahead. Here are some practical strategies to ensure your child feels confident, supported, and ready to take on the new school year: 

  • Discuss any concerns or excitement your child might have about the upcoming school year. Open conversations can help alleviate anxiety and build anticipation for the positive experiences ahead.
  • Encourage your child to participate in Boys and Girls Clubs activities before the school year begins. These programs offer a variety of fun and educational activities that can help ease the transition back to the classroom. Engaging in club events can also help your child build new friendships and strengthen existing ones, making the school environment feel more welcoming.
  • Go over any issues that your child specifically faces during the school year. This could be anything specific to your child’s struggles, such as sharing items, taking turns, dealing with bullies or inappropriate behavior, what to do when you aren’t picked for something-anything that your specific child faces during the school year. This allows you to help establish expectations on all ends and offer guidance in advance, while giving your child a chance to say how they feel or what they think, in a safe setting.

Going Back to School  Safely: Review Safety Protocols

As summer comes to an end, it’s important to remind your child of the safety protocols they may have forgotten during the school season’s break. Revisiting the established safety guidelines helps ensure your child is prepared and secure as they return to school.

School Bus Safety Tips: 

  • Teach children to wait for the bus to come to a complete stop before approaching and to use handrails when boarding and exiting.
  • Remind them to stay seated while the bus is moving and to follow the bus driver’s instructions.

Walking to School Tips: 

  • Choose a safe route with minimal traffic and teach children to use crosswalks and obey traffic signals. Discourage them from taking shortcuts through alleys or other avoidable isolated areas.
  • Familiarize your child with their route and alternate routes in case of emergencies. Knowing different streets can help them avoid unfamiliar or potentially unsafe areas if something unexpected happens.
  • Encourage them to notice if something or someone seems out of place, unusual, or makes them feel uneasy. This could include noticing unfamiliar individuals lingering around, cars driving slowly or repeatedly passing by, or sudden changes in the behavior of people nearby. Regularly practicing this awareness can help them recognize potential dangers early and react promptly.
  • Encourage walking with a group or a buddy for added safety.

Child Internet Safety Tips: 

  • Educate your child about online safety, including not sharing personal information and recognizing inappropriate content.
  • Create a space where your child feels safe sharing their online experiences with you, including any worries or negative interactions. Keep an eye on their internet use and apply parental controls as needed.

School Emergency Preparation: 

  • Ensure that your child knows the school’s emergency procedures and whom to contact in case of an emergency.
  • Encourage your child to keep vital phone numbers handy, memorized when possible.
  • Have a plan for dealing with unsafe/unsure situations. Give some example scenarios and how you suggest they react in those situations, as a guide.
  • Update the school’s contact information regularly, make sure that your contact information is accurate and hasn’t changed in any way, and provide any necessary medical information that your child’s school would need.

Support Academic Growth This Back to School Season

The Boys & Girls Clubs out of school time programs offer a wealth of opportunities for students to enhance their academic performance and personal development. These programs provide a structured environment where students can receive homework help and tutoring, ensuring they stay on top of their schoolwork and understand challenging concepts. The club’s resources, such as access to computers and educational software, further support academic success.

Beyond academics, after-school programs at the Boys & Girls Clubs focus on personal development. Students can participate in a variety of activities that promote leadership, teamwork, and social skills. Programs in art, sports, and technology allow students to explore their interests and discover new passions. Additionally, the supportive community at the club fosters a sense of belonging and boosts self-esteem. By participating in Boys & Girls Clubs out of school time programs, youth not only improve their academic performance but also develop essential life skills that prepare them for future success.

Back to School and Beyond:
Preparing Teens for College and Careers   

Ready to start prepping your teen for their future this school year? Our comprehensive college and career programs at Boys & Girls Clubs of Broward County are designed to set them on the path to success. Our programs offer a robust combination of academic support, career exploration, and personal development to ensure your teen is well-prepared for life beyond high school.

Workforce Development  Program for Teens

Boys & Girls Clubs of Broward County’s Workforce Development Program is dedicated to preparing youth for successful futures by equipping them with essential employment skills. Through a blend of research-based youth development practices, comprehensive training, and hands-on learning opportunities, this initiative readies teens for their first jobs and helps them create actionable plans for post-secondary education and career goals. The program enhances employability by offering career exploration, mentorship, credential-earning opportunities, soft and technical skills training, and real-world career experiences. Join us to pave the way for a brighter future and empower teens to achieve their professional aspirations.

College Corner Program  for Teens

Boys & Girls Clubs of Broward County proudly present the College Corner Program, designed to help teen club members prepare for life after high school. This comprehensive initiative includes an SAT Prep program to boost test scores, a college prep program for application and admission guidance, and exciting college tours to explore campus life. Additionally, our career days provide valuable insights into various professions, while our college scholarships offer financial support to help teens achieve their academic dreams. Join us at the College Corner Program to equip yourself with the tools and resources needed for a successful transition to college and beyond.

Career Exploration Program  for Teens  

Boys & Girls Clubs of Broward County’s Career Exploration Program offers an incredible opportunity for club members to discover various career fields, acquire essential business skills, and cultivate positive teamwork habits. Through engaging activities, mentorship, and real-world experiences, teens can explore their interests, gain practical knowledge, and develop the skills necessary for future success. Join us to unlock your potential and embark on an exciting journey of career discovery and personal growth.

Become a member today! (link to become a member page)Boys & Girls Clubs of Broward County is committed to providing a supportive and enriching environment for your child throughout the school year. By becoming a member, your child can benefit from these resources and more, setting them up for success both in school and in their adult lives. Don’t miss out on the chance to empower your child and prepare them for a bright future. Sign up today to join our after-school programs and, for the older students in your life, our specialized teen clubs offer the fun guidance and support that an older child needs. Click here to become a member and start your child’s journey to success with Boys & Girls Clubs of Broward County!