THE Dream Makers Society

What is a Dream Maker?
“A dreamer looks beyond the limits of today to the possibilities of tomorrow, and sees what can be instead of settling for what is. dreamer imagines the most wonderful new things and then finds a way. A dreamer knows that stars were made to wish upon and that wishes really do come true! But that there are no ways around doing the work it takes to make them happen.” – Steve Burkdoll
“The Dream Makers Society” was created to recognize and honor very special people who have consistently and clearly demonstrated a sincere concern for the less fortunate, especially children. There are many who demonstrate such admirable qualities, but few who meet the special standards for this prestigious honor.
The Boys & Girls Clubs of Broward County and the Rendezvous Committee have established three special criteria which result in a truly impactful effort on our ability to change young lives.
We honor select individuals who have:
- Demonstrated a long term commitment to Boys & Girls Clubs for at least ten years.
- Have played a vital role in the development of a program or event that has had a significant impact on the success of our organization.
- Have personally contributed funds in excess of one million dollars. We proudly salute our curren Dream Makers Society Members for their service to humanity and belief that all children deserve an opportunity to achieve their dreams.

Felix Sabates, 1999

Rick* & Rita Case, 2002

Florence & Larry DeGeorge*, 2003

Marti* & H. Wayne* Huizenga, 2006

Linda and Doug Von Allmen, 2006

James E. McDonnell IV, 2006

Mary Anne & Richard* Kull, 2015

Christine Lynn (2016)

Terry Taylor (2017)

Gary Wendt 2018

Christy & Larry Hierholzer 2019

Colin Brown 2020

Lawrence F. De George 2021

Michelle & Tom Murphy 2023
*In Memoriam