Boys & Girls Clubs of Broward County

Boys and Girls clubs of Broward County



The 2017 Career Launch – A Day at Broward College, hosted by the Boys & Girls Clubs of Broward County, exposed over 270 teen Club Members to the educational opportunities at Broward College – North Campus.  During the event, teen Club Members were greeted by Dr. Avis Proctor, the President of Broward College – North Campus. Dr. Proctor told the Club Members about the importance of education in general and the benefits of attending Broward College in particular. Di Maharaj, the Chief of Club Operations addressed the Club Member to encourage them to take advantage of the activities and workshops during the day so that they can leave more knowledgeable about their educational opportunities after high school.

Representatives from Broward College then informed the Club Members about the registration and admission process at Broward College. The Club Members were then dismissed to attend their breakout sessions. Breakout sessions are interactive workshops that focus on different majors offered at Broward College – North Campus. Breakout sessions included: (1.) Health Sciences; (2.) Education; (3.) Business; (4.) Arts, Humanities, Communication & Design; (4.) Social Behavioral Sciences & Human Services; (5.) Public Safety; (5.) Industry, Manufacturing Construction & Transportation; (6.) STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) workshops.

BGCBC thanks the staff at Broward College – North Campus for their support leading the general sessions and the workshops. BGCBC is proud that Broward College has partnered with BGCBC yet again to be an educational partner demonstrating their investment in our young people as they strive to achieve their academic and career goals!