Boys & Girls Clubs of Broward County

Boys and Girls clubs of Broward County



The Family Strengthening Program (FSP) is an evidence-based nationally and internationally recognized parenting and family strengthening program for high-risk and general population families.  The program is designed to increase family cohesion, communication, and organization by teaching children and parents problem solving, resilience, and how to improve positive interactions.

With a grant from the Children’s Services Council, this is BGCBC’s second year of successfully implementing the FSP in our Clubs.  To date, we served 72 families at the following Clubs: Levine/Slaughter, Lauderhill, Nan Knox, Rick & Rita Case, Marti Huizenga and Carver Ranches.  During each session, parents and their children are provided a meal, and then Group Leaders spend the first hour teaching beneficial skills to parents and children separately.  The second hour is used for combined instruction where parents and children can practice family strengthening techniques with the assistance of the Group Leaders.

FSP is found to significantly improve parenting skills and family relationships, reduce problem behaviors, delinquency and alcohol and drug abuse in children and to improve social competencies and school performance.