Boys & Girls Clubs of Broward County


Workforce Development

The Boys & Girls Clubs of Broward County’s (BGCBC) Workforce Development Initiative is designed to promote the development of critical employment skills among our youth. This is carried out through research-informed youth development practice, training and experiential learning opportunities that lead to first job readiness and a plan for pursuing postsecondary and/or career aspirations. BGCBC’s Workforce Development Initiative increases teens employability through career exploration, mentorship, opportunities to earn credentials, soft skills training, technical skills training, and career experiences. These programs are available at all BGCBC locations.

teen financial program

A suite of financial education resources and interactive curriculum that helps teens gain useful knowledge and skills on various aspects of financial literacy, including managing a checking account, budgeting, saving, investing, entrepreneurship and paying for college.

Mentorship and career exploration program that offers a variety of activities to hone teens’ decision-making process, problem-solving and critical-thinking abilities — which are important skills for workplace success. The youth are given the chance to explore various careers based on their interests and talents, determine the corresponding educational path they need to pursue, and map out a plan for their future.

career exploration program

Mentorship and career exploration program that offers a variety of activities to hone teens’ decision-making, problem-solving and critical-thinking abilities — necessary skills for workplace success. Youth get the chance to explore various careers based on their interests and talents, determine the corresponding educational path they need to pursue, and map out a plan for their future. 

Career exploration tours give the opportunity to expose our teen population to the various career pathways within a local partner company. Teen members are able to visit all the departments at the specified career and learn what a day on the job would look like. They can also apply and interview for part-time and seasonal jobs. Coaching and support through the entire hiring process is provided.

Member Testimonials